Inspirit Way


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All workshops are suitable for complete beginners, so everyone is welcome.
With Internal Qigong one mixes beginners with experienced practitioners, as that is beneficial to all present.

‘Medical Qigong’, the healing aspect of this practice, is included in all workshops.
For one of the traditional objectives of Internal Qigong is to heal you.

So, you can attend even if you’re not feeling well due to some chronic condition or other.
During the active movement phase, you can participate when you feel able to and sit out any sequences you don’t feel up to.
At any time, you can lie down and soak up the vital energy being generated in the room.
For, you still benefit from being present in the ‘healing Qi field’.

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“Amadis’s Summer Solstice workshop came at the perfect timing.  I so enjoyed experiencing and learning more about the fire element, being guided through beautiful meditations, visualisations and witnessing the wonderful flow of Qi.  It was a very beneficial and inspirational day which left me feeling connected and grounded not only with myself but with the stunning world in which we live.  Thank you so much Amadis”

Jules, 2020

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I am doing Amadis’ classes and have find them very special. It’s surprising how powerful the online classes can be. I’ve also loved the workshops outside in nature. Thanks Amadis. Looking forward to more.

Catherine, 2020

August 2024


Fire Element ~ Heart Radiance 

Energise, Harmonise, Spiritualise


Sunday 18 August 2024

1.30pm – 6pm

Venue: Evolution Arts and Wellbeing
(Brighton Buddhist Centre)
17 Tichborne St, Brighton, BN1 1UR

£40/£30 for concessions

To book go to Evolution Arts website.
On the  Body & Mind page scroll down to the Health & Wellbeing section or use the link:

Contact Amadis – 07941 665506

For videos and audios go to Inspirit Way YouTube channel


Internal Qigong Alchemy is an ancient Chinese holistic system developed for spiritual, mental, physical and medical benefits.

Summer is the season of sunlight, hence the Fire Element, which relates to spiritual reality and is associated with the consciousness and brightness of our Heart (Xin) and Radiant Spirit (Shen Ming).

Internal Qigong postures and movements, breathwork and voicework will connect us to the life force (Qi). We will tune into the Fire Element, including its representative, the sun. This will reinvigorate our energy and rejuvenate our body.

Particular healing practices (aka Medical Qigong) will detoxify, rejuvenate and heal mind and body. They release physical and mental tension, cleanse the system and relax our body, all of which benefits our health and improves our wellness.

Meditation and other attunement practices will engage us with our spiritual reality and connect us to our Heart (Xin). This part of us is our core self so represents our authentic nature. It acts as an inner sanctuary where we can access our innate spiritual resources, including clarity, serenity, beauty, harmony and unity.

Meditative attunements will open us to experiencing  spiritual wholeness and universal oneness. As well as increased wellbeing, they brings us a sense of unity with, what is described as, the Way (Dao).


As usual, this event is suitable for all levels.  Beginners and long-term practitioners are equally welcome. Wear loose clothing and bring a drinking flask. There are plenty of thick mats, cushions, or chairs if you prefer.

The venue is a bright spacious bright hall with a beautiful glass atrium, ideal for an Internal Qigong summer event where we can tune into the energy and radiance of the sun.

It is in the heart of Brighton, near the station and accessible by public transport. For details please go to the Venues section of this page.

There will be a break in the middle for tea and food. The venue has a kitchen to make hot drinks and prepare snacks. It has a large communal space and a small patio at the back to sit, eat and share; as well as there are plenty of eating places nearby.

Please arrive around 1.15pm.
Feel free to contact me for any queries.

Cliffe Hall, Lewes

October 2024


Metal Element Qigong

Energise, Alchemise, Spiritualise


Sunday 6 October 2023

1.30 – 6pm

Venue: Evolution Arts and Wellbeing
(Brighton Buddhist Centre)
17 Tichborne St, Brighton, BN1 1UR

£40/£30 for concessions

To book go to Evolution Arts website.
On the  Body & Mind page scroll down to the Health & Wellbeing section or use the link:

For any queries contact Amadis
07941 665506

Video and audio recordings of Internal Qigong and Spiritual Unity at Inspirit Way YouTube channel.

Cliffe Hall, Lewes


Internal Qigong Alchemy is based on the Daoist systems of Internal Alchemy and Vital Practices.

Metal, as one of the Five Elements, relates to the autumn, breath, animating network of energy channels, and our corporeal nature. It also promotes embodied spiritual presence. On this day, physical and internal attunements will attune us to the nature of this element within us and in nature.

Medicinal Qigong practices will benefit our health and constitution. These remedial practices clear blocks, replenish our energy, revitalise our organs, and heal our body.

Internal vital practices such as mindful movements, breath sequences, and postures will increase our vitality, release negativity, and rejuvenate our body.

Visualisations and meditations will cultivate psychological and spiritual wholeness and wellness.

This way of internal practice connects us to our ‘inner nature’, the universe, and the Natural Way (Dao).

“Through our breath we connect to energy
Through our heart we connect to spirit
Through our head we connect to Heaven
Through our feet we connect to Earth”


As usual, this event is suitable for all levels.  Beginners and long-term practitioners are equally welcome. Wear loose clothing and bring a drinking flask. Mats, cushions and chairs are available.

The venue is ideal for Internal Qigong, The ‘shrine’ on the top floor is a spacious bright hall with a large glass atrium, where we can tune into the energy and radiance of the sky and sunlight.

It is in the heart of Brighton, near the station and accessible by public transport. For details please go to the Venues section of this page.

There will be a break in the middle for food and drink. The venue has a kitchen, communal space and a patio out the back to sit, eat and share. There are plenty of eating places nearby.

Please arrive around 1.15pm.
Feel free to contact me for any queries.